Wouldn’t it be wonderful to actually feel better in your body as you age?

We all age… it is an inevitable fact of life. As we age our bones begin to creak, our joints pop, and our eye sight begins to falter. These are some of the blessings we are granted from living a long life.

Yoga And Healthy Aging is a discussion about how we can stay physically active, how we can continue to be independent and intellectually engaged, and how involved we are within the process until the end of our life.  


To offer a holistic yoga practice that helps us move through life’s journey with physical and emotional wellness


To create a safe and nurturing environment where everyone is welcome to come to the mat (or website) as they are - to grow in their own practice - to find peace and acceptance within themselves.


The extraordinary mental and physical benefits of yoga are for everyone; for all ages, all body types, and all ability levels.

Yoga And Healthy Aging was designed to help you become the best possible version of yourself today.